Working papers
Microequity and Mutuality: Experimental Evidence on Credit with Performance-Contingent Repayment (with Francesco Cordaro, Marcel Fafchamps, Colin Mayer, Muhammad Meki and Kate Roll) [appendix] — November 2024
Do Capital Grants Improve Microenterprise Productivity? (with Laurin Janes and Michael Koelle) — September 2024 — conditionally accepted, Economic Journal
Matching Frictions and Distorted Beliefs: Evidence from a Job Fair Experiment (with Girum Abebe, Stefano Caria, Marcel Fafchamps, Paolo Falco, Simon Franklin and Forhad Shilpi) — December 2023 — conditionally accepted, Economic Journal
Learning Management Through Matching: A Field Experiment using Mechanism Design (with Girum Abebe, Marcel Fafchamps and Michael Koelle) [appendix] [VoxDev article] — July 2020
Pride and Prejudice? Structural Evidence of Social Pressure from a Natural Field Experiment with Committees (with Tom Gole) [coverage in The Economist] — September 2016
Research publications
Demand for Commitment in Credit and Saving Contracts: A Field Experiment (with Uzma Afzal, Giovanna d’Adda, Marcel Fafchamps and Farah Said) [appendix] (2024). Economic Journal, 134(664):
Asset-based Microfinance for Microenterprises: Evidence from Pakistan (with Faisal Bari, Kashif Malik and Muhammad Meki) [appendix] (2024). American Economic Review, 114(2):
An Adaptive Targeted Field Experiment: Job Search Assistance for Refugees in Jordan (with Stefano Caria, Grant Gordon, Max Kasy, Soha Shami and Alex Teytelboym) [appendix] (2023). Journal of the European Economic Association,
Anonymity or Distance? Job Search and Labour Market Exclusion in a Growing African City (with Girum Abebe, Stefano Caria, Marcel Fafchamps, Paolo Falco and Simon Franklin) (2020). Review of Economic Studies,
COVID-19 and the Future of Microfinance: Evidence and Insights from Pakistan (with Kashif Malik, Muhammad Meki, Jonathan Morduch, Timothy Ogden and Farah Said) (2020). Oxford Review of Economic Policy,
Call Me Maybe: Experimental Evidence on Using Mobile Phones to Survey Microenterprises (with Robert Garlick and Kate Orkin) (2019). World Bank Economic Review, doi:10.1093/wber/lhz021. [Online Appendix] .
Two Sides of the Same Rupee? Comparing Demand for Microcredit and Microsaving in a Framed Field Experiment in Rural Pakistan (with Uzma Afzal, Giovanna d’Adda, Marcel Fafchamps and Farah Said) (2018). Economic Journal, [Online Appendix]
Networks and Manufacturing Firms in Africa: Results from a Randomized Field Experiment (with Marcel Fafchamps) (2016). World Bank Economic Review, doi:10.1093/wber/lhw057. [Online Appendix]
Aspire (with Marcel Fafchamps) (2016). Journal of Development Studies, doi:10.1080/00220388.2016.1251584.
Microenterprise Growth and the Flypaper Effect: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in Ghana (with Marcel Fafchamps, David McKenzie and Chris Woodruff) (2014). Journal of Development Economics 106, 211-226.
The Value of Corporate Governance for Bank Finance in an Emerging Economy: Evidence from a Natural Experiment (2014). Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 30(1), 1-38.
Using PDA Consistency Checks to Increase the Precision of Profits and Sales Measurement in Panels (with Marcel Fafchamps, David McKenzie and Chris Woodruff) (2012). Journal of Development Economics 98, 51-57.
Review publications
Microfinance: An Overview (with Muhammad Meki) (2024). Oxford Review of Economic Policy (summary article for our co-edited issue:
Microequity: Some thoughts for an emerging research agenda (with Muhammad Meki) (2024). Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 40(1), 176-188.
Microfinance (Senior Editor with Jing Cai and Muhammad Meki, and Co-Editors Erica Field, Cynthia Kinnan, Jonathan Morduch, Jonathan de Quidt and Farah Said) (2023). VoxDevLit,
Forced Migration: Evidence and policy challenges (with Isabel Ruiz) (2022). Oxford Review of Economic Policy (summary article for our co-edited issue:
Management Practices and Public Policy: An Overview (with Daniela Scur) (2021). Oxford Review of Economic Policy (summary article for our co-edited issue:
Experiments and Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries (with Chris Woodruff) (2019). Annual Review of Economics, doi:10.1146/annurev-economics-080218-030246.